Once And Forever

Friday, May 11, 2007
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1 John 1:7b – The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. (NIV)

"If I had your silverware and had to do what you have done, I would rather put it away permanently or give it away." These were the words of my son.

I replied, "Would you like it?" to which he responded, "No, thank you — too hard to keep clean."

When we would go away for any length of time, I would clean the silverware and cover it with clear plastic wrap. This keeps it airtight, and it doesn't tarnish. This time, though, when we came home, I left it covered and didn't think much about it until he drew it to my attention.

If we all lived in a vacuum, tightly sealed, there would be no tarnish. We have been given a wrap to protect us from sin — a wrap that we can't even see. God sent His Son to our planet so that we could be kept clean from the world's tarnish. Though Jesus walked this earth, we have never physically seen Him, but He is known as the visible likeness of the invisible God.

Much like the plastic-wrapped silverware, we are protected from the evil one and his desire to have us unprotected and tarnished. In Christ we are able to be seen by others as cleansed, protected, and sealed for the day of redemption.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to save us, and for His blood which cleanses us from our sin. We pray for those who do not see the tarnish as sin in their lives. May they come to You, dear Jesus, and be cleansed by Your precious blood, once and forever. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <annerussell80@gmail.com>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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