
Thursday, April 26, 2007
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Isaiah 64:8 – Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. (NIV)

In our church cookbook, there is a recipe for an Italian Crème Cake, extremely popular among the members of our church. When we have a church dinner, it is almost assured that someone will bring one. Sometimes two or three are likely to show. The amazing thing is that each one is a little different, and the creator of the cake can usually be identified because the baker has left her or his mark on it.

I may be a writer who records the recipe; another may be an expert blender who mixes the ingredients together in a better way. Another may be an outstanding decorator who adds the perfect touches to the finished product. Still another may be able to serve the cake in a more elegant way. We have the same recipe with the same ingredients, but individual touches make us all different.

If God is our Creator and we are the clay, He can do the same thing with us, His creations. Even though we all have the same number of appendages, a similar colour of hair, eyes, and skin, and the total package is about the same, there are subtle differences in each of us. These differences are what adds spice to life and makes us all special in the roles we are assigned.

God, the great Potter, stirs the clay in a different way when He creates each of us. If we yield to His moulding, each of us becomes a choice vessel for His use, even though we all have our differences.

Prayer: Lord, You created us in the way we could best serve You. Develop in us an awareness of our uniqueness and how we may best serve You with our special gifts. Amen.

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About the author:

Ivie Bozeman
Thomasville, Georgia, USA

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