Vapour Trails

Monday, March 5, 2007
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Isaiah 30:20-21 – And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself anymore, but your eyes shall see your Teacher. And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. (ESV)

In early spring, the sun shines brightly in the sky at lower angles than it does in the summer. Although its warmth is not so easy to feel on the body as it is with the summer's sunshine, it is a welcome promise of the warmer days to come. To me, at least, the lighter, longer days are much better than the darker, colder, cloudy days of winter!

Thinking about this promise of warmer weather, I looked up into the sky to see an aeroplane, trailing a line in white across the blue expanse. As I followed its progress, I noticed that the vapour trail was casting a grey shadow on the stratosphere mist below it. By a quirk of timing, elevation, and direction, the shadow marked out a line in front of the plane, continuing the white vapour trail left in its wake. It was almost as if someone had put a ruler to the blue ceiling and had drawn a line for the plane to follow. In effect, it pointed the way ahead.

Of course it was just a coincidence — if unusual — but it was an encouragement to me, a sign that made me reflect upon how God has a plan for each of us to follow. If we are willing, there is line drawn in front of us. As today's Scripture describes, there is a voice to guide us in The Way. We are never to be alone; God is always, always with us to influence and speak into our situations, body, mind, and spirit.

It is in the nature of Jesus to seek out the lost and faithful and to speak life into their lives, and we can be a part of that, if we choose to follow the cues.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for the joy that now flows from Your throne because You endured and overcame the limitations of this world. We rejoice that You love us and did not shy away from a temporary sorrow, the pain of crucifixion, choosing to look ahead past that humiliation and injustice, to the eternal victory in Your resurrection kingdom. Amen.

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About the author:

Rod Marshall <>
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

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