Tabby And Rambo

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
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John 15:13 – Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (KJV)

In July, a dark grey kitten showed up at our house. She was so loving. She would jump up onto anyone's lap to be petted. Of course, we loved having a cat like that, so we kept her. We named her Tabby.

In August, an orange kitten showed up. It would not let anyone get near it. When someone went into the garage where the cats were fed, the orange one would run away. One night, it was scared by a Dodge Ram truck, so we named it Rambo. After a while, it would just run under the car in the garage when someone came out. Then it got so it would not run, but it would still not come to anyone. It would see someone petting Tabby, who would go into fits at times when scratched in the right spot. Rambo finally got to where it seemed to want to be petted, but was possibly thinking, "Can I trust those humans?" Finally in mid-December, we started to be able to pet Rambo every now and then. Rambo was starting to trust us.

Maybe some of us are like Rambo. We know about Jesus Christ — His birth and death and resurrection — but we wonder if we can trust that all that is true. We are wondering if we can trust Jesus Christ with our lives.

One person wrote, "You can trust the man who died for you."

Let's turn from our sins and put our trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation.

Prayer: Lord, please forgive us for all of our sins. We turn from them now. We put our complete trust in You for our salvation. Thank You for dying for us so that we can have eternal life. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Dean Masters <>
Erwin, Tennessee, USA

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