In Difficult Times

Wednesday, February 7, 2007
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2 Timothy 2:11-12a – Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. (NIV)

The following quotation, from one whom I have grown to love, was received by e-mail some time ago:

    Christmas decorations and the tree that were so late in getting up are still in place, and although I am not in any rush to take them down, I know that it is a task we must be thinking about doing soon.

    My next doctor's appointment at the Movement Disorder Clinic is coming up soon. Nothing has improved with the medication I have been on, and I am very frustrated by the whole ordeal, which is now going into its third year!

I didn't know just what was best to say in my reply, but as I sat in silence, this came to mind, and I wrote:

    I was reading the frustration you mentioned, and it must be frustrating for you and your husband. May God give you both the endurance to see it through, though it must be debilitating. May your spirit be lifted up, even when you suffer from lack of physical energy. Try to keep smiling — and I know that can be hard too.

We never know what will happen from one moment to the next, but aging sneaks up on us all, and sometimes it slowly erupts with a vengeance that eats away at our physical or mental abilities.

The things we used to do or the involvement we once enjoyed in serving our Lord become a struggle, if not a complete loss.

Isaiah 47:7 – You said, "I will continue forever — the eternal queen!" But you did not consider these things or reflect on what might happen. (NIV)

These words, written long ago, appear in God's Word not only to encourage us, but to warn us of what could possibly take place. We are to reflect upon what might occur, and if and when something does happen, we are to carry on as best we can, with God's help.

Prayer: Dear Lord, may we have compassion and encouragement for those of us, who in our time develop infirmities that can perhaps slowly take away our ability to serve You in the way we have been accustomed to. We pray that in these difficult times, You will still use us in new and different ways to witness for You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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