Pass It On

Saturday, December 9, 2006
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Matthew 10:8 – Freely you have received, freely give. (NKJV)

All right! I admit it! I am a regifter! I disagree with the few social experts who insist that it is indelicate at the very least and downright rude at its worst. I regift. I learned it from no stranger. The following is an excerpt from one of my dad's letters, written in 1946.

"How did Brenda like her present? Too big for her, I know. It would be nice to put them away and give them to her for next Christmas!" (I was one year old, and got the same slippers for my birthday and for Christmas!) Yes, sir! In our family, we pass it on!

Why, even God encourages regifting!

Acts 20:35b – I remembered the words of the Lord Jesus: "It is more blessed to give than to receive."(TLB)

1 Peter 4:10 – As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. (RSV)

The best gift I ever received was the good news of Jesus Christ. When I found out that Jesus died on the cross, just for me, and was raised from the dead, just for me, I couldn't wait to pass it on.

Here we are in the season of giving. We may not have a cupboard full of regifting materials, but we do have a heart full of the gift that really matters. Who is on our "regift the gospel" list today?

Prayer: Dear God, when we think of all You have done for us in the person of Your Son, Jesus, we can't help but regift. Please put folks in our path today who will listen, cherish, and regift Your message of salvation! In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Brenda Wood <>
Sandycove Acres, Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

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