Eyes On Him

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
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Isaiah 45:22 – Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. (KJV)

It was a few days before Christmas 1975, when my brother Ron and I set out on a four-hour auto trip to pick up a car his father-in-law had given as a gift. My brother was noticeably excited about taking ownership. To this day he clearly recalls every detail of the vehicle: a 1971 brown Chrysler 300, 4-door, hardtop, white interior, 440 cubic inch V-8 engine — power!

The next morning when we prepared to return home, with surprise I took the keys that Ron handed to me — keys to the "new" car. After a few moments of getting familiar with the controls, we were off with me in the lead.

During the night, a thick blanket of snow had fallen, leaving the highway a narrow, dark ribbon winding its way through the forests and over the hills. At a spot halfway along the trip, there were parked cars along both sides of the highway and traffic headed toward us. As I approached the cars, I wondered if Ron's large Chrysler would fit through the constricted space or whether would it be necessary to pull over and allow oncoming traffic to clear before advancing. At the moment of decision, I noticed a few inches leeway, just enough room to navigate if I managed to keep a steady hand on the wheel. Without decreasing speed, I safely cleared the area.

Later during a rest break, I learned of the disturbing vision which Ron experienced while watching me manoeuvre ahead of him through the congestion. When asked how I did it, I replied, "I kept my eyes on the road ahead."

When we are constricted by problems and see more of the same approaching, it is easy to become despondent. But when our eyes turn from the problems and rest on Jesus, the problems diminish and we are saved from despair.

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your saving grace. Help us to remember to keep our eyes on You as we travel along life's road. Amen.

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About the author:

Shirley Tye
Little Britain, Ontario, Canada

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