
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
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Psalm 16:11 – Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. (KJV)

We all know that Alaska is north. Well, in our city, we have a sign that says, "West — Alaska". How can that be? Should we trust it?

We must keep our eyes open to see the signs along the highway as we journey on to arrive at our desired destination. The further north we drive in Canada, the fewer roads there are. There is one road to Alaska from where I live here in Grande Prairie, Alberta. To get to Alaska, we first have to see the sign that says to go west. Further on down the highway, there is a sign pointing north to Alaska. We do trust the traffic signs that tell us the direction to get to our destination. There are miles and miles of forest between here and there. There are many days of travelling, many miles to pass over, and many bridges to cross. I am told that the beauty of Alaska is well worth the time and effort to go there.

Our verse for today talks about fullness of joy in God's presence and pleasures forever at His right hand. That is such a blessed thought. We have a path to travel to experience those things. We have days of travelling on that path. We have many bridges to cross. Often, we get weary. Often, the drudgeries of life discourage us. Often, the mountains in life bring us to despair. Just like driving to Alaska and watching for the signs, we need to keep our eyes open and on the Lord, following His every step.

Oh, let's keep our eyes on God's Word when He says that He will show us the path of life. It is a promise that He has given us. The fullness of joy and pleasures forever will be worth it.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, so many times, life is a challenge. We start off full of energy, but sometimes we just want to kick up our heels and quit. We lose sight of Your path for us. Help us to keep our eyes on You. Help us to lean on Your promise of pleasures forever and fullness of joy. Amen.

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About the author:

Judy Miller <>
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

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