
Thursday, November 9, 2006
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1 Kings 12:24b – For this thing has come from Me. (NASB)

Matthew 19:26b – With God all things are possible. (NASB)

Recently, I was struggling with life. I was overwhelmed with the things that were happening to me. All I could see was darkness. There seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, the tunnel was way too long, way too dark, way too crooked.

Then one day, I read in my devotions the Scripture for today. "This thing is from Me," God told me. I couldn't understand that. Why would these struggles be from Him? He continued to work in my heart. I finally accepted the truth that He was allowing these things in my life at this time for a reason. When I admitted that, the tunnel wasn't quite as dark, nor was it quite as long, nor so crooked. Then God, in His love, assured me that all things are possible with Him. At that moment, I knew that in my head but not in my heart. I wrestled with God for a while over that truth from His Word as well, but finally rested on it. Did the circumstances change immediately? No, but peace had returned to my soul, and I knew God was directing me down this dark path at the time.

Psalm 142:3a – When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path. (KJV)

Psalm 119:105 – Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (KJV)

We don't like the dark tunnels, the crooked paths that we are on. Let's claim the truths of God's Word and allow Him to guide us. He knows the path already. He is so willing to shine the light of His Word for us, if only we will claim these truths as ours.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your Word is true. Often we don't want to believe it. We can't understand why we are in the tunnels. Help us to trust Your leading in the crooked, hard paths of life. We praise You for Your wisdom. Without the tunnels, we wouldn't learn some of the things You want to teach us. Help us, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Judy Miller <gjmiller@telusplanet.net>
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

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