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John 14:8 – Philip said to him, "Lord, show us the Father and we ask no more." (NEB)
"Eerie" is how I'd describe my reaction to seeing Stonehenge. Walking around its perimeter in the rain last June was surreal. So many questions came to mind. How did the ancients move these huge stones? How did they raise them on top of the others to build this structure that still stands some 3,000 years later? How many feet, legs, and bodies, etc., were crushed in the process? Who or what were they worshipping?
Our tour guide told us that no one really knows the answers to these questions, and yet just a few days before we arrived, a cult-like group had come to Stonehenge to worship. How, I wondered, can anyone worship an unidentified god? Then it struck me that this is exactly the question that Philip was asking Jesus on the night of the Last Supper when he said, "Show us the Father." For Philip, there would be no more questions if the Father were identified.
How can we identify our Father? This question kept going around in the back of my mind. The Sunday after I returned home from England, I attended my local church. The sermon was entitled, "The Importance of a Pure Heart". In his sermon, Pastor Crelin said, "For Christians, God has a face — the face of Jesus Christ." Isn't this the answer Jesus had given to Philip when He said, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father"? (John 14:9) Our God is identified. We see Him in the face of Jesus Christ as we read our Bibles. Jesus made it so simple for us to worship God the Father when He said, "Come, follow me." (Mark 1:17)
Prayer: Thank You, Father, for showing us who You are, through Your Son, Jesus the Christ. Thank You for sending Jesus to us that we might follow Him and be saved from our sin. In His holy name, we pray. Amen.
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