
Saturday, September 30, 2006
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Matthew 14:13 – When Jesus got the news, he slipped away by boat to an out-of-the-way place by himself. (MSG)

I remember well the excitement of starting piano lessons. I still have the little beginner book: "Here we go, up a row, to a birthday party" — all played on three notes in the right hand. Then there followed, "Dolly dear, sandman's near, you will soon be sleeping" — all played with the left hand, on three notes. Then as I progressed through the book, how exciting it was to play with both hands! Then we learned a piece with staccatos, and then a piece with one sharp — and then one flat. And oh, the thrill of learning one with rests in it! I had to learn to count that rest as if it were a note and then continue on with the song. It was exciting for me.

As I learned more and more and went on to the next level, there were more songs with more rests, different lengths of rests, some in the right hand, some in the left, some together. I loved learning all of this. The rests are what made each song what it was. The composer knew the exact spot where a rest was needed to complete the melody that he wanted to create.

In our lives, we need rests as well. Those rests come in many forms. We need our sleep every night. We often need a break during the day to rest. Rests can sometimes come in the form of sickness, disappointed plans, or frustrated efforts. But rests they are. God is writing the music of our lives. He knows when we need those rests in order to compose the song He wants us to sing with our lives. Let's trust Him as He composes the song of our lives, and praise Him along the way as He is doing it, as well.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, sometimes we are so weary, and we wonder how we can carry on another day, another hour, another minute. It is Your work we are doing, but we are tired. At times, we think that we can't stop to rest. It is exciting to know that You are composing the song of our lives, and You are doing it in exactly the way it will sound the best. Help us to stop and listen to Your music during those resting times of our lives. Thank You for composing the song. May we let You do it as You will. Amen.

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About the author:

Judy Miller <>
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

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