The Pine Beetle

Thursday, August 31, 2006
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James 1:15 – Our desires make us sin, and when sin is finished with us, it leaves us dead. (CEV)

It has been almost two years since I drove home through the mountain pass. In early September, the changing leaves were glorious. One mountain had colours so evenly divided with deep green, gold, lighter green, and orange, it appeared to me to be God's afghan. On another stretch, the aspens stood at attention on both sides of the highway, an honour guard, dripping with golden coins. Around a curve, there stood a reflective sign, looking totally artificial and out of place in God's design. Near the summit where the trees were bare, the road was paved with golden leaves. How grateful one is for this magnificence!

It will never look quite like that again. The evergreen trees are now turning brown and dying at an alarming rate. The pine beetle infestation had travelled a third of the way through the forest by May of this year.

How can something so small cause so much destruction? How can a little sin cost us so much? These little wrongs rob us of our colour for Christ, our witness. Only repentance can bring healing and stop the decay that would deprive us of peace and joy.

Prayer: Father God, we acknowledge our sins, even the little ones, and ask Your forgiveness, and request Your help in attaining good spiritual health. Amen.

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About the author:

Shirley Dobie <>
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada

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