It Feels So Good

Thursday, June 22, 2006
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John 7:38-39a – [Jesus said,] "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." By this he meant the Spirit. (NIV)

As evening approaches after a very hot day, I go into the garden and use the hose to clean out the birdbath and fill it with fresh water. Every morning, I am rewarded as I see the robins gather, first for a drink from the water, then a plunge into its depths for a bath. I can almost imagine their thought as I watch: "Oh, it feels sooo good!"

It always brings a smile as I observe them, one at a time, wings spread, thrashing about in their birdbath, then hopping out and flying to a nearby tree, flicking all the excess water into the air.

How refreshing it is for me to watch the reward of my labour for having filled the bath with fresh water so that they might enjoy it in the heat of the day.

The birds enjoying the clean birdbath serves as a good reminder for us to drink of the living water to which God has led us — the water that flows clear and fresh, that restores our souls, renews our minds, and replenishes our being. And yes, it feels sooo good!

We can have what is offered freely: the Spirit of the living God, Who will dwell within us forever — and we will thirst no more.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we come to You this day in prayer for those who thirst, that they may receive Your Spirit, Your reward. Help us all to plunge into the depths of Your living water, here and now, never to thirst again. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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