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Philippians 4:9 – Put into practice what you learned and received from me, both from my words and from my actions. And the God who gives us peace will be with you. (GNB)
One afternoon when our children were young, my husband walked with them to our local grocery store. They returned home not only with the groceries we needed but also with a box of gingerbread mix. It was not on the list, but it was on sale. Knowing how I love to bake, they bought it.
After dropping off the bags of groceries, they spent some time in the backyard playing. Soon tiring of this, Bethany asked her dad if she could go in and make the gingerbread. He said that certainly she could go in, and mommy would help her make the cake. "No," she innocently replied, "I want you to help me make it. You need the practice."
Our spiritual lives need practice too. We need to practice praying, spending time with God, and sharing our faith with others. We can be new Christians or learned scholars, yet we all have room to grow with the Lord in love and faith.
Prayer: Lord God, we thank You for showing us how to live and love. Help us to practice living the way You have taught us. Sometimes we falter, but You are always with us as we strive to live in Your light. Amen.
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