The Da Vinci Code

Friday, April 28, 2006
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Revelation 17:9 – This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. (NIV)

It's very hard to read through the Book of Revelation and get what the writer means. There are all sorts of imagery and symbolism in the book, and some of it refers to places and events that are long since gone. But it's an intriguing book, and it appeals to our sense of mystery and love of puzzles. There's something in the book that we know is perfectly true, but we just can't picture the events logically, or put them into current world situations.

In three weeks, a new blockbuster movie called "The Da Vinci Code" will be released, and everyone is already talking about it. We'll see talk show hosts like Oprah Winfrey and Larry King interview the stars of the movie and the author of the book, Dan Brown. We'll hear about college professors in seminaries who will give credence to what's being promulgated by this movie, and it will cause dents in some people's faith. We'll also read articles about church ministers and theologians who will debunk the myths surrounding the story.

I've read the book, but I won't be going to the movie. It's all about codes and conspiracy theories that are trivial and unreal. It's full of anagrams and puzzles, where words and phrases are solved to reveal new words and other clues. It's a very clever tale — but that's all it is — a tale. The real truth is to be found in the Gospels. What we should really study is expressed by Christ in His acts and teachings.

Perhaps there are those who will get caught up in the hype — and will be led to doubt their faith. Well, here's something to chew on. The author is called Dan Brown. Do we realize that "Dan Brown" is an anagram for "Own Brand"? He's promulgating his own brand of the gospel. Makes one think, doesn't it?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life that we all are seeking. Much of life is a mystery, and there are many things that confuse us. Keep us focused upon You, and help us to live by Your words. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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