
Monday, April 3, 2006
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Genesis 8:22 – While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. (KJV)

We recently went on a spring trip to the southwest part of the United States. Here in Canada, we were still in the stages of a very early spring. Snow still dotted our countryside and was never far out of our weather forecast. As we began to travel south, we noted the outside temperature on our car thermometer. Hour by hour as the early dawn greeted us, we watched the thermometer gradually rise. Slowly but surely, the dots of snow became fewer and fewer and smaller and smaller. They were replaced by grass, now green and alive, and no longer brown and still dormant. Trees — not just with brown twigs, but branches with green shoots — began to appear. The early robins we watched for so eagerly at home were birds aplenty on the southern landscape. With each mile, we seemed to see more and more signs of spring and life. By the end of the day we had travelled twelve hours, and spring had arrived with all its glory. Flowers that were still well below the ground at home were up and greeting everyone.

Our walk with Jesus is much like this picture. We start out in the early stages, and gradually our love for Jesus begins to rise. At some point our walk becomes more alive and no longer dormant. With each year and season that passes, our love for Jesus deepens, and the seed that was planted into us begins to burst forth and blossom.

Matthew 13:23 – The seed cast on good earth is the person who hears and takes in the News, and then produces a harvest beyond his wildest dreams. (MSG)

Prayer: Dear Jesus, we come to You in faith. Thank You that You are always there to receive us with open arms. Amen.

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About the author:

Julie Bowles <>
Barrie, Ontario, Canada

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