At the beginning of the New Year, several members of our church's congregation pledged to read the Bible through in one year. Shortly after the program began, my friend shared the news that her sixteen-year-old daughter had to have major surgery, and she was concerned how to break the news to her. But she added, "I need not have worried, for God's Word brought comfort to the whole family this past week."

When Lorna (not her real name) heard the date for her surgery, she put on a brave face and pretended she wasn't concerned. "It's okay; at least I won't have to write my final exams," she told her mother. Later, as the family was discussing the upcoming surgery, Lorna admitted she was having some second thoughts about the ordeal she was facing. "Mom, there's one thing that's bothering me. I hope I can sleep at night while I'm waiting for my surgery."

"Oh, I know you will be able to," her mother assured her. "God has given us a promise that you'll be able to sleep. I found it in today's Scripture reading."

Psalm 3:5 – I lay down and slept. I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me. (NLT)

When we are facing challenging events, things like surgery, sickness, and job uncertainties that would threaten to keep us awake at night, God invites us to rest while He watches over us.

Prayer: God, thank You for taking the night watch and keeping care of us while we sleep. Help us to find rest in Your care. Amen.

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About the author:

Elaine Ingalls Hogg <>
Smiths Creek, New Brunswick, Canada

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