Psalm 3:5 – I lay down and slept. I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me. (NLT)
As February approached, I looked over my journal notes from the previous year, and I was reminded of the night God spoke to me through the silence and beauty of a picture-perfect winter scene. My husband and I, bundled up in our coats and blankets to protect us from the cold, joined some friends for a sleigh ride. Down the tree-lined pathway, we listened to the sound of snow crunching under the weight of the horses' hoofs and the tinkle of sleigh bells keeping time to the horses' walk. The moon, wearing the largest ring I'd ever seen, parted the scattered snow clouds, allowing me to watch large individual snowflakes dancing in its moonlight. That night, every blade of grass sparkled as if wearing its finest jewelled diamonds.
"Be still and know that I am God," all nature seemed to whisper. Why did I need that reassurance that particular evening? Simply because I have a mother's heart, and I knew that one of my children was hurting. The next day I would fly to Calgary to be with her. Our daughter, Heather, an athlete who has run the Chicago and New York marathons, and has ridden in Lance Armstrong's "Ride for the Roses", was facing an eight-hour surgery for malignant melanoma. After all the doctor could do, he couldn't assure us that "he had it all".
Although we may go through difficult times and face serious diseases, today's Scripture reminds us that we are safe, for the Lord is watching over us.
Prayer: Dear God, although the trials we face here seem hard to understand, help us to grasp the meaning of Your words when You promise to watch over us. Thank You for Your care. Amen.
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