Are We There Yet?

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Isaiah 40:3 – Prepare for God's arrival! (MSG)

Travelling with children is always an exercise in patience. Whether we are going a short distance or taking a longer vacation, our trip is always punctuated by statements and questions from the back seat:

    "I'm hungry."
    "How much farther?"
    "When is it lunch time?"
    "I have to go to the bathroom."
    "What time is it?"
    "I'm thirsty."
    "I'm bored."
    "Are we there yet?"

To children, the journey is not important. It is only the final destination that matters. Grandma's, the beach, a vacation, shopping — nothing else matters except "getting there".

Sometimes during Advent we act the same way. We are so anxious for Christmas to arrive, that we forget the journey is important too. Sometimes, being bombarded by glitter and glitz, noise and crowds, planning and preparations, we are anxious for Christmas to "get here" too. We just want the preliminaries to be all over with.

And yet, Advent can be a calming, peaceful journey. In a world of chaos, it is a time of reflection, preparing, and anticipation. This year, let's enjoy the journey of hope, peace, joy, and love, as well as the final destination of our Saviour's birth.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You sent Your Son to bring peace. Yet, it is sometimes difficult to find peace in the midst of our chaotic lives. Help us to slow down and enjoy the anticipation of Jesus' birth. May we appreciate the journey as well as the destination, while we wait for His arrival. Amen.

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About the author:

Heather Morton <>
West Lorne, Ontario, Canada

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