James 1:17-18 – But whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God, the Creator of all light, and he shines forever without change or shadow. And it was a happy day for him when he gave us our new lives, through the truth of his Word. (TLB)
Growing up during the great depression of the 1930s, our family didn't have much to spend on the little "extras" of life. We were fortunate, living in the country, that we always had plenty to eat, thanks largely to a big vegetable garden, which my father dutifully worked. When a small "windfall" happened his way, father would say, "Thank God for small mercies." We learned to appreciate all God's gifts, great or small.
The other day, I was buying a few groceries at the supermarket. During the process of my shopping, I was delighted by the sound of a small boy, perhaps of eight years, who merrily sang a little tune while helping his mother shop. He seemed such a happy little fellow. It was a joy to be near the pair of them as I sought out my purchases.
Arriving at the checkout counter, I found that the boy and his mother were in the next line. He had brought me such joy that I asked his mother if I might buy him a chocolate bar. When she agreed, he said, "I can share it with John when we get to the car." Evidently there was a sibling waiting outside. So, I bought two bars.
Now I had three small mercies for which to thank God! I had the joy of the boy's song, the joy of sharing God's bounty to me, and my gratitude to Him that He has so blessed me that I could afford to be generous. Often in the past, I would have been on so strict a budget that even such a little expenditure would have been impossible. How good is our God! With Him, small mercies become big blessings!
Prayer: Thank You, Father, for the open hand with which You bless our lives. Help us always to be open to Your prompting to share the small mercies with which You bless us so that we may fully know the joy You send our way. Amen.
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