Hebrews 4:16 – So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it. (NLT)
Recently, I spent a weekend cooking for 45 very hungry young adults at a camp. I had three helpers who were wonderful. On one of the days, I was making cinnamon buns. I wanted them to be awesome. Unfortunately, in order for me to make enough, there had to be lots of dough. I cut the dough mass in half and rolled it out. I put the cinnamon and brown sugar on it and started to roll. It was about 45 inches wide.
Unfortunately, I didn't have enough fingers to roll all of it. I'd roll one end, take my hands off, and then try to roll the next section, only to have the first section fall back onto the table. I realized then that it would impossible for me to finish the task by myself. I obviously needed help, so I asked my friend to help me. She was a blessing to me, and we got it done together.
It was then that I realized that life with God is like that. We are rolling along — doing good, doing our own thing — but suddenly, life becomes difficult, stressful, and full of pain and sorrow, and we find that we cannot do it alone. We need desperately need help. That's when we call out to our gracious heavenly Father. He gives us the strength and peace that keeps us going.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for being such a great God. Thank You for being a merciful God, and a God of grace and peace. Thank You for being there when we need You, sharing our burden and taking it for us and from us. You are a wonderful God! In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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