Psalm 121:1 – I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does my help come from? (NIV)
Psalm 87:1 – He has set his foundation on the holy mountain. (NIV)
Isaiah 49:11 – I will turn all my mountains into roads, and my highways will be raised up. (NIV)
My husband and I toured the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina late in November — after the leaves had fallen, but before the snow came that would bring the skiers to the slopes. The scenes from the parkway and other highways were beautiful at all times of the day, but in the early mornings, God's artistry was at its greatest. From the high mountain lookouts, one could see for miles. We marvelled at the lakes and streams, low sailing clouds that seemed to touch the ground, trees that seemed to grow out of the solid rock, and smaller shrubs and grasses that covered the open areas of the valleys. How beautiful is the handiwork of God — and the engineering skills of man that have built roads into these mountains. Less than a hundred years ago, tourists like me would not have had this opportunity.
The psalmists were well acquainted with this beauty of the mountains. So many of the psalms are filled with the strength, majesty, and peacefulness to be found in the mountains.
The engineering skills of road and bridge builders and the benefits of electrical power and telephone lines have made it possible for people to travel to these majestic heights and to build cities, homes, businesses, and recreational facilities for us to enjoy.
Christians are reminded again of Psalm 150:1 – "Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in the firmament of His power." (KJV) We thank Him for the opportunities He has given our generation to enjoy His creations.
Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for Your mountains and valleys and for allowing man to create highways, automobiles, and other modern-day conveniences that we may enjoy Your creation. Amen.
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