
Sunday, October 9, 2005

1 Corinthians 1:26,28a – Think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. He chose the lowly things of this world. (NIV)

Over the years, I have received many gifts: at my birthday, at Christmas, and at other times. Some were expensive; all made my life a little happier, at least for a while.

It occurred to me the other day that of all these gifts, four are most useful, daily reminding me of the care of those who gave them. One is a small moulded napkin ring with a little colourful rooster on top, which I use at every meal.

Another is a ceramic bank in the shape of a loon. In this I keep my one-dollar "loonie" coins. (Our common one-dollar coin in Canada depicts a loon and is called a loonie). I use this frequently because I need a loonie every week for the washing machine in my building.

Then there is a small wooden box, carved by an aboriginal artist on the west coast, with a design featuring a black bear. This I use every night, as it holds the safety pins with which I pin my socks together in pairs, so as not to lose them in the laundry.

The fourth is a small angel, cast in some composite material, which hangs on the end of the chain which turns on and off the overhead fan in my bedroom. Especially as we in Ontario experienced the hottest summer in memory, this little angel received daily use.

All these four were gifts from my grandchildren — or more properly from their parents who guided them. They are precious because they are useful and are daily reminders of my loving family.

I like to think we are all God's gifts to the world. He has carved us and moulded us for a purpose, be it ever so humble. Not many of us are precious by worldly standards, but we hope we are useful and, like these small treasures of mine, serve as daily reminders of God's love for all those who live in His world.

Prayer: Dear Father, You have made us what we are. You have chosen us, moulded us, and made us, each for a special purpose. Keep us always humble, and make us useful to others. Show us how to remind those whose lives we touch that You love each and every one of them. Amen.

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About the author:

Harold Moddle

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