Mark 10:14 – Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. (KJV)
What do an English-speaking grandma and a little girl who only speaks Spanish have in common? Not long ago, I would have answered, "Not very much." This summer, however, I found the courage to step outside my comfort zone — and to serve as a craftsperson for a Bible school program presented to Spanish-speaking students by the youth group of my local church.
When the week was over, "Do you speak Spanish?" was a question I was often asked. After responding multiple times, my standard reply became, "No, but I speak crafting." Actually, I didn't need to speak at all.
Each day during Bible school, a beautiful little girl with huge dark eyes and a very complicated hairstyle came running through the door straight toward me. As I held her in my arms, she laid her head on my shoulder. We walked around the room like this for several minutes, after which she was ready to begin her craft project.
During Bible school, today's Scripture came to mind often. I was thinking that this little girl needed to feel secure in my arms. However, after reading Mark 10:14 many times since then, I've concluded that it was I who felt inadequate and uncomfortable. I was the one in need.
Silently each day, this little girl came to me offering her love. Holding her and walking with her made me feel needed. "For of such is the kingdom of heaven" took on a whole new meaning. Without speaking one word, a little child had shown me glimpses of the kingdom — a place where Christian love is freely offered and readily accepted, and a place where no one feels inadequate or outside their comfort zone.
Prayer: Thank You, Father, for bringing little children into our lives to teach us how to be Christ-like. Thank You for showing us that the kingdom of heaven is a place where the love of Your Son, Jesus Christ, breaks down all barriers. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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