2 Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (KJV)
Time has not been kind. There are severe dents and chips on the surface marring its original beauty, and exposure to the elements has eroded the very heart of its character and charm.
My current "fix-up" project is to restore the original beauty to an old magazine rack once used in my grandparents' home. Before pounding out the dents, sanding away the rust, or removing the chipped paint, cleansing must be done. Experience has taught me that time, effort, and perseverance are required to successfully complete any restoration project.
On my way to the work area, I pass a mirror. Seeing my own reflection, it strikes me that the same adjectives I chose to describe that old magazine rack might also be chosen to describe me. I'm aging. My original beauty has been marred. Daily life experiences have put dents and chips in my spirit, and exposure to the elements of our everyday world has taken its toll on my character and charm. Sadly, there is no amount of time, effort, or perseverance that will help. Nothing on this earth can restore anyone's original youth and beauty.
It is in moments of discovery like these that we can rejoice in being Christians. We know Jesus loves us. We know He sees us as we are meant to be. We know He finds us to be beautiful creations of our Father, and we know He has promised to cleanse and restore us. Jesus has promised that in Him all will become beautiful and new.
Prayer: We give our thanks and praise to You, Father, for making us beautiful in Your sight. We are eternally grateful to You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to cleanse us of our sin. Our hope lies in His promise that in Him one day we will be made beautiful and new. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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