Romans 1:20 – For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. (NKJV)
We recently gave in and allowed our twelve-year-old son to have gerbils. I was quite clear that if he was going to get two, then they must be of the same sex. After he saved his money, he purchased from a garage sale a cage with a play area that we now refer to as the "Epcot Centre for Gerbils". Then he was ready to pick up the gerbils. Leaving the store with what we thought were two males, we soon learned that we had one male and one female. Soon we were the proud "parents" (or as our son says "grandparents") of five babies.
They are perfected even to the tiniest details, even though no bigger than one-third of my baby finger. They were born without fur; their skin is so translucent that one can see their veins and organs. They have nails and whiskers, but their ears, though formed, have not grown out from their bodies. As we scrambled to learn how to care for them, their mother knew just what to do.
We soon relaxed and watched as she interacted with them and us as we approached the cage.
We all marvelled at their beauty and each tiniest detail that God had perfected. We have realized as a family how easy it is to go about our days neglecting the tiny details of God's magnificent creation. And if God pays so much attention to gerbils, how much more attention must He pay to arranging the tiniest details of our lives.
Prayer: Dear Father, we stand in awe at the beauty of life. Please help us to be more aware of how translucent our lives are with You as our Father, and how You, and You alone, have created our lives down to each detail. Amen.
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