Genesis 9:13 – I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. (NIV)
On a visit to the big island of Hawaii, I stood looking at one of the beautiful rainbows that can be seen so often in the Pacific skies. A stranger spoke to me.
"Do you know," he said, "that no two people ever see exactly the same rainbow in the sky? It may be the same sun and the same shower, but it shines at a different angle through each set of raindrops."
This simple illustration of a rainbow changed my perspective of life, giving me more self-confidence in my point of view and in my respect for others' ways of thinking.
The area in which I was born, the parents whom God gave me, and the economic status and social standing in which I was reared make a great difference in how I view the world. Others may see the rainbow in different colours or describe it in different words because of the circumstances of their lives, but it's the same rainbow — just different ways of describing it.
Our emotions can also alter the way in which we see a situation. This does not mean that a person is wrong if their version varies slightly from that of someone else. It's just that we view it from different perspectives.
God made this rainbow covenant on a personal basis with each of His children on earth. Some may live in Australia, Alaska, England, or Mexico, but this promise was made to them where they received the message. He expects us to have a relationship with Him from where we are.
Prayer: Lord, clear our channels; open our hearts and minds to receive Your truths wherever we may be. Our angle may be a little different from our brothers and sisters, but You are the Father of us all. Amen.
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