Isaiah 44:6 – I am the First and the Last; there is no other God. (NLT)
Occasionally, I buy for one of my grandchildren a gift that requires batteries. Then, of course, I have to buy the right size of batteries to make the toy work. I am careful to read on the box what size it needs and how many it needs. If it needs three AAA batteries, that is what I buy. That is what charges up the toy and makes it work.
If I had a toy that needed a single C battery, the little AAA batteries wouldn't connect to the needed points, even if I tried to cram three of them into the battery compartment. One would think a large D battery would do better because it has more capacity. But no, it doesn't work either.
I thought about our lives in relation to these batteries. Christ Jesus could be likened to a battery that fits the exact shape of the empty compartment in our lives. He is the only One who will fit there, charge us up, and make our lives work properly.
Mark 12:30 – And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. (NLT)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to be aware of the batteries we try to stick into our lives. Help us always to put You first, for You are the only One who can give us the power we need to live every day, one day at a time. Amen.
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