Micah 6:8 – No, O people, the Lord has already told you what is good, and this is what he requires: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. (NLT)
Often as I'm working at my computer, a movement outside my window takes my attention away from my work. Usually I'm interrupted by the sight of a cyclist enjoying a trip through the countryside, but often it is the walker that catches my attention. Each has a distinctive style — from the walk of the carefree children who jump off the school bus that stops at the foot of our lane, to the seasoned walkers who tend to swing their arms and walk at a brisk military pace. Both are different from the walk of the invalid willing each leg to make the next step. The children skip and run as they come up the hill, rarely stopping to see anything or anyone until they reach their home.
This morning's walker, a lady dressed in blue and white, strolled leisurely, pausing here and there to look at the rolling hills and the wild flowers blooming in the ditches along the roadside. As I watched this person enjoy the early morning sunshine, I was reminded of our walk with God. Sometimes we are like the children bounding off the school bus, running and skipping with enthusiasm and energy as we focus on the pathway home. Sometimes our Christian walk is like that of the seasoned walker: we walk more slowly, more deliberately, and with purpose. At other times, we are weary and able only to hobble along.
No matter how we walk, whether we walk with a limp or a skip, or take time to enjoy God's treats from nature, God wants to walk with us every day and give us a purpose for living. Each day provides an opportunity to walk humbly with our God and to do what is right, secure in the knowledge that each step we take together will take us nearer to our heavenly home.
Prayer: Dear God, thank You for walking with us today. Help us to recognize that You are with us each step we take. Amen.
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