Faltering Steps

Monday, March 7, 2005

Psalm 37:23 – If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm. (NIV)

Job 14:16 – Surely then you will count my steps but not keep track of my sin. (NIV)

When our grandson was learning to walk, my husband and I would sit a few feet apart and coax him to come to us, holding out a favourite toy for encouragement. How delighted we were when he took those first few precious steps toward us. We always rewarded him with a big hug and a quick kiss.

Just as we grandparents are delighted with our grandson's first steps, God is delighted with the first faltering steps of a new Christian. Like the little child learning to walk, the new Christian must do the same. Like grandparents, God is patient with His children, guiding their steps so they will not fall.

When a little child, learning to walk, gets tired, we pick him up and carry him to an appropriate place before setting him down. Our heavenly Father will pick us up and help us over the rough spots, holding our hands as He walks with us until we find level ground. If our steps grow weak, He is there to give assistance.

We are not told that there will be no difficult steps on the road of a Christian life, but rather that Jesus Christ, our Saviour, will be there for us if the way grows wearying. There will be times when our feet walk in sinful ways, but our God of love and faithfulness will forgive us when we take the time to ask Him to.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we know that You walk with us in our first faltering steps of the Christian way. Continue, we pray, to accompany us as we seek the higher ways that lead to our heavenly home. Pick us up when we fall; forgive us when we sin. Help us to remember that You are watching our every step. Amen.

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About the author:

Ivie Bozeman <ivie@rose.net>
Thomasville, Georgia, USA

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