A Bar Of Soap

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Isaiah 65:24 – Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. (NIV)

I once served in a church where I had to rely totally upon God for everything I needed. I was much younger then; living a life of faith was exciting to me; and, since I was not married, I had to provide only for myself.

I remember one particular situation where I was getting low on soap. I made a mental note to buy some, and then proceeded on with the rest of my day. I did not mention my need to anyone; actually, I had forgotten all about the soap until an unusual event took place.

I lived in the house attached to the church, which was usually kept in immaculate condition. I knew where everything was at any given time, and when something was out of place, I knew it right away. For several days, I had noticed a small gift-wrapped package lying on the counter. It was not unusual for people to drop off items at the house for others to pick up, but soon it became apparent that no one was claiming this package.

A week had gone by when my curiosity got the best of me. I had to find out what was inside this package, and as I started opening it up, I was amazed by what I saw. Yes, you guessed it! It was a bar of soap. Heaven delights in giving us good gifts and fulfilling all our needs. God saw my need before I had even prayed, and if heaven sees our needs before we ask, then what will God do for us when we really begin to pray? God will do for us infinitely beyond what we could ask or even dare to think. Heaven will come and provide for each and every need we have, and on this we can depend.

Prayer: God, You are the great provider, and our needs are ever before You. Help us to be mindful of Your care all around us and to know that Your answer will descend on wings of grace. Thank You for providing our daily needs. Amen.

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About the author:

Darlene Lajeunesse
Schomberg, Ontario, Canada

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