Promise Box

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Psalm 63:3 – Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. (NIV)

In my study at the church, there is a small cardboard box with many little tightly-rolled scrolls of paper in it. Each of these scrolls has an encouraging Bible verse printed on it. From time to time, when I'm looking for special guidance or I'm having trouble hearing what God has to say about my prayers, I go to the Promise Box, as the Victorians used to call it, and randomly pick out a scroll. I'm always amazed at how the verse I read is so very apt for the situation that I am experiencing.

Sometimes young children from the church come in and take the promises. They always ask me to read the words, followed by the simple question, "What does that mean?" It gives me the sacred opportunity of teaching the Word to a young heart and they always skip out of the office feeling delighted because God has given them a special promise. At other times, when I'm counselling someone who is undergoing a personal, wrenching crisis, I ask them to take a promise from the box at the end of the session. Once again, God always seems to answer their prayers. It humbles me to see their tears of sadness turn into tears of hope and blessing.

These daily devotionals help us all to experience the wonderful promises of God. His love is better than life, and, with the thoughts in our hearts, the words on this screen, or the praises on our lips, we will glorify Him together.

Prayer: Lord God, Your words have sustained our people for many generations and Your promises have kept hope alive in our hearts throughout the centuries. Thank You for the strength and encouragement, the guidance and direction Your Word always gives to us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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