Hanging On A Limb

Friday, January 14, 2005

Psalm 50:15 – Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honour me. (NIV)

During my working years, there was a period when I was really down and out. Troubles seemed to flood in from every side. Although I tried to keep my problems to myself, my feelings have always had a way of showing on my face and in my body language. I worked with a young girl about the age of my daughter. One day when my spirits were down to an extremely low ebb, she came back from her coffee break with a postcard for me that she'd purchased at the hospital gift shop. It was a picture of a baby raccoon, falling out of a tree, hanging on with one paw. It bore the caption, "Lord, help me to hang in there."

That card has remained on my desk for years, and it is still one of my valuable keepsakes, as a reminder of Whom to call on for help when falling. It is also a reminder that one other thoughtful soul cared enough to buy me a postcard that day. Sometimes that is all it takes to get the raccoon back on the limb — a reminder of Whom to call on, and one person who cares.

We all have our "down days". It is always best to go to the Lord first, but sometimes He's the last one that we think about. We hang on to our problems until their weight pulls us down and our fingers gripping the limb are about ready to give way. Then we look up and remember our Lord, Jesus Christ, can help us.

Matthew 21:22 – If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. (NIV)

Prayer: Lord, why do we have to get to the end of our endurance before we turn to You and believe in Your promises? You have promised that whatever we ask for in prayer we shall receive. Help us to call on You before we start to fall. Amen.

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About the author:

Ivie Bozeman
Thomasville, Georgia, USA

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