Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (KJV)
Isaiah 55:10 – My word is like the snow and the rain that come down from the sky to water the earth. They make the crops grow and provide seed for planting and food to eat. (GNB)
A few weeks ago, I attended the little Presbyterian Church in Ivy, Ontario, Canada (near Barrie), and received the best 65th birthday present that anyone could receive. My younger daughter sang her first solo — "In the Garden".
How often I have let the words of that beautiful Gospel song flow through me in times of stress or sadness, or when I was feeling forsaken.
Tears came to my eyes as thoughts raced through my head and heart. I remembered when my grandmother was unexpectedly and early widowed. She would ask me to try to pick out on the piano the melodies for "In the Garden" and other Gospel songs. I was only five years old then. Such was our pastime on Sunday afternoons after church and a tasty lunch. She taught me faithfully by word and example.
As my daughter Teresa sang out in a strong, clear voice that I hadn't heard before, I remembered how she had been given to me in 1974, thirteen years after her older sister was born. During that time, God had allowed me to paint myself into a corner from which I could not escape until I looked up and formed the habit of doing so. After bringing me into line, He gave me the desires of my heart.
Teresa was given back to Him before her birth. At age 3, when she was listening to a Bible bedtime story I was reading to her, she said, "Stop!" — and out of her lips came a child's version of the sinner's prayer. I was astonished!
No — she's far from perfect, but she always knows where to lean. I praise God for His many promises.
Let's take a good look at today's Scripture verses, so that we can write them on our hearts and proceed from there.
Prayer: Lord, help us to remember, in our ever-changing world, that You are an unchanging God. You mean what You say and You say what You mean. Help us truly to learn that You will bring Your promises to fruition — no doubt about it! In the eternal name of Jesus we give thanks. Amen.
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