I Will Give You Sight

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Psalm 25:15 – My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare. (NIV)

"The problem will go away in a few days," I reassured myself, as I squinted to see the music that I was trying to play for the morning service. But by Monday morning when I took the dog for a walk, I knew that I had been fooling myself. The problem was real, and it might very well be serious. I couldn't see the lights on the car coming towards me. One eye was going blind. Reluctantly, I went home and called the hospital.

To some, it could be a coincidence that an ophthalmologist was holding a clinic at the small rural hospital that day — the first time he'd held one there in two months — but to me, God had made the doctor's schedule, and he was right where I needed him when I went for help. Because of God's timing, my sight was eventually restored.

When diseases come that have an effect on our eyes and cause our vision to deteriorate, we generally do go for help right away. Sadly, though, when our spiritual vision deteriorates, we often neglect the warning signs, and, as a result, we struggle to see God's truths. These are the times in our lives when God seems far away. If we have become so caught up with daily living that we have lost sight of God, it is time to go to the Great Physician and ask Him to do a check-up on our spiritual vision. When we submit to God's will — instead of ours — and allow Him to clear away the things that have clouded our sight, we can look forward to seeing His truths clearly once again, and we will be better able to see God as He reveals His presence to us daily.

Prayer: Dear God, help us to keep our spiritual vision clear and focused on You. Amen.

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About the author:

Elaine Ingalls Hogg <authorhogg@yahoo.ca>
Smiths Creek, New Brunswick, Canada

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