Dew From Heaven

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Hosea 14:5 – I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like a lily. Like a cedar of Lebanon he will send down his roots. (NIV)

Isaiah 26:19 – Your dead will live; their corpses will rise. You who lie in the dust, awake and shout for joy, for your dew is as the dew of the dawn, and the earth will give birth to the departed spirits. (NASB)

We were into the tenth day of a heat wave and drought moving through our area. My flowers were parched and drooping, desperate for water. Those that had been watered the evening before were again in need of a drink. Those I could not water were showing evidence of severe deprivation. The yard was large, and water was rationed. There was no way to water everything, so priorities had been chosen for the life-giving drinks.

There are many kinds of seasons in God's world. One season, out of balance, can make us yearn for the coming of another season. In seasons of drought and excessive heat, our hearts yearn for showers to bring refreshing rain and cooler air currents.

When these periods of heat and drought come, dew sustains life. It is nature's provision for renewing her own. It falls at night, and without it, the vegetation would die. Dew does not gather while there is heat or wind. The temperature must fall, the wind cease, and the air come to a point of coolness and rest.

Many Christians, looking for the sunshine and the rain, fail to recognize the importance of heavenly dew that refreshes us in the in-between times. Our spirits get low, and we cry out for renewal. Like the flowers, we wilt and droop. We yearn for dew to refresh us. But like the forces of nature, we must let the temperature within us fall, calm the winds around us, seek quietness, and then open our hearts to the Holy Spirit. Then the moisture of the Breath of God can bring freshness and renewal into our lives.

Prayer: Lord, calm us down, and settle the winds of adversity that blow around us. Let your cool, refreshing dew come into our hearts, bringing new life and energy to revive us. Amen.

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About the author:

Ivie Bozeman
Thomasville, Georgia, USA

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