Granny's Tree

Friday, October 22, 2004

Numbers 12:1-2 – Miriam and Aaron talked against Moses behind his back because of his Cushite wife (he had married a Cushite woman.) They said, "Is it only through Moses that God speaks? Doesn't he also speak through us?" God overheard their talk. (MSG)

My Granny and Grandpa lived on the same street for more than forty years. A beautiful, shady maple tree grew on city property right in front of the house. After Gramps passed away, Granny began to focus all her attention on that tree. She even called the city to try to have it removed because it blocked her view and dropped leaves and… and… .

That tree caused such disturbance in our family that even now, after all these years, if one person begins to complain, another will caution, "Be careful. That could become a Granny's Tree!"

When we complain, we are telling God that we don't like what He has done in our lives and that He doesn't know what is best for us.

Prayer: Lord, forgive us when we whine. We really are grateful for all that You are in our lives. We do trust You to provide Your very best for us, and we expect any trees that appear to be blessings in disguise. Thanks! In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Brenda Wood <>
Sandycove Acres, Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

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