Rejected By Men But Chosen By God

Friday, September 24, 2004

1 Peter 2:4 – You come to him, the living Stone — rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him. (NIV)

For several days, I had noticed that the sprinkler head on the valve that waters the back lawn was doing its job, but when the watering of the lawn was finished, the head cover was not seating properly.

I mentioned this to my husband, and his reply was "Oh I guess we will have to get a new one," to which I replied, "In this throw-away world, don't you think you could at least look at it and see if it could be fixed?"

I realize that some products are not as well made as they could be, and replacing them is usually the route to go.

What if God simply rejected us, never gave us a second look, just gave up on us, and threw us away? That will never happen, for we have a loving God to look after us, even if we have become worn or tattered in our journey. Some of us might feel that we were never meant to last through the pitfalls of life, but God has other plans for us.

He has laid out the plan which we are to follow, even in this throw-away world — where not only things break, but where sometimes also we break under the strain of the pressure put upon us — like the sprinkler head which wouldn't seat itself after the pressure of the water was taken off.

We are given strength to win our battles — in illness, the loss of a job, the loss of a relationship, the loss of a precious loved one. After all is done in our throw-away world, we who are rejected by man are chosen by God.

In all the pressures of life, let us reflect on this: God looks after us and makes sure all can be fixed, for we are precious to Him.

Prayer: Loving Father, we come to you amid the pressures that we feel in this throw-away world. Remembering that one day everything will be made new, we reflect on the purpose for which You have put us here. Enable us to find strength to overcome. In Your love, give us the assurance that whatever is wrong, You can fix it. We pray in and through the name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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