On Hold

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Psalm 86:7 – In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me. (NIV)

Don't you just hate calling national companies about their services? The other day I was trying to get through to ask a simple question about a statement, which would have taken only a couple of seconds to sort out. As soon as I got through to the company, my heart slumped. Suddenly, I was sucked into an electronic, surrealistic, clinical, computerized, voice-activated maze that kept offering me unnecessary calling options. By the end of three minutes, I was totally frustrated and exasperated. I soon found myself shouting down the phone, "All I want to do is talk to a real person!"

Have you ever had that experience?

Thankfully, God does not put us on hold or ask us to leave a message. He doesn't even have call waiting or caller ID. When we pray to God in the midst of our worries and problems, He hears us instantly, uniquely, and individually. Even though six billion people may be calling God at the same time, He still can deal with us personally. It's all to do with God being eternal. He isn't confined to the limitations of time.

Whatever we go through today, let us remember that God is always with us. He's ready to guide and counsel us. He's able to comfort and support us. He's willing to listen and love us. Talk to God — He's just a prayer away.

Prayer: Hello, God! Thanks for being here today. Thanks for being with us. In everything we do and in all that we face, we know that we can count upon Your presence. That makes us feel strong. That helps us to know we are not alone. Thank You, Father God. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <traqair@aol.com>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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