The Lonely Land

Friday, September 17, 2004

Job 37:22 – Out of the north he comes in golden splendour; God comes in awesome majesty. (NIV)

"Focus on the road," I urged my wandering thoughts, but the last e-mail from home made it difficult to stay focused on the black ribbon of pavement that cut through the 519 kilometres of wilderness. The yawning truck driver I had just passed did nothing to convince me that this was going to be anything other than a drag of a drive. "Dear God, please take care of things back home, and help me see You today." Hour after hour, I travelled towards my destination: Dawson City, Yukon. As I drove, I noted that the landscape was beginning to emerge from the brown of winter; tiny tinges of green buds dotted the scrubby trees. Gradually, despite the isolation, I began to look forward to the signs along the road: Horse Creek, Dogsled Inn, Sourdough, and Sodbusters. Then I noted the beaver-felled trees, a small indication of the habitation God's creatures had carved out in order to exist in this lonely land.

Along the way, a ray of sunshine peeking over the mountain rested on my right shoulder and warmed me. I stopped at Carmacks for a break, and I noted that the mighty Yukon River, once frozen, was starting to thaw. All around, birds chattered and sang. The scenery around me was awakening from the long winter's sleep, and as I stood there taking in the sights, I remembered the words of a song from my Inter-School Christian Fellowship days — "Lord to my heart, bring back the spring time" — and seeing no one was around to hear me, I joined the birds in song.

Did God take away all my concerns that day? No, there were plenty of issues for me to deal with after I returned home. But as I paused to drink in His creation and lift my voice in prayer and praise, He reminded me that He is still in control. He brought peace.

That's the kind of God we serve, one who cares enough for each of us to reveal His presence when we pray, and one who puts a song of praise in our hearts during the barren times. Oh, how He loves you and me!

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, we, Your children, bow before You and say thanks for Your love — the love that reveals itself to us even when we travel along the lonely roads and across the barren plains in our lives. Amen.

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About the author:

Elaine Ingalls Hogg <>
Smiths Creek, New Brunswick, Canada

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