1 John 3:9 – No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. (NIV)
Genealogical research is booming, now that DNA testing has arrived. I have researched one of my family lines back to the seventeenth century, but am now at a standstill to determine which of two people, who lived at that time, was the progenitor of our clan. By taking a small DNA sampling from two living people known to be members of these family lines, we can determine from which person our family came.
As far as I know, there is no test that will determine whether we are members of the family of God, other than the way we live our lives. As children of God, we should carry traits that identify us as belonging to Him. Things that we do not do can also determine whether we belong to His family.
When we are born into the spiritual family of God, a radical change takes place in us. When we act in unchristian ways, it does not mean that God's seed is not there any more, but that it is dormant at this time.
As Christians we can rejuvenate that spirit or seed and bring it back to life — even if we can't test the evidence as the scientists do the DNA. We can show proof of whose family we belong to by the way we live and act.
Prayer: Lord, help us reveal to the world that we are Your children. Rejuvenate the spirit within us and give us life anew. Amen.
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