Early In The Morning

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Psalm 5:3 – In the morning, O Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. (NIV)

Psalm 88:13 – But I cry to you for help, O Lord; in the morning my prayer comes before you. (NIV)

For a long time now, I have started my day with a quiet time alone with God, reading His Word and praying. In the nicer weather, I also like to go for a walk along the beach early in the morning. I may see one or two other people, but quite often it is only me. Listening to the waves lapping against the shore or listening to the quietness of the still water makes me feel very close to God. I talk to Him as I walk along and wonder how anyone could possibly say, "There is no God." I feel totally surrounded by God and His love.

God is real, and the more time we spend with God the more we get to know Him. I can't think of a better way to start my day than with my Creator, the One Who knit me together in my mother's womb and Who knows me better than I know myself. God knows everything about each one of us, yet He accepts us and loves us. He knows each of us by name; He is watching over us; and He always wants what is best for us. He cares so much about us that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us.

The Bible says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." (James 4:8a NKJV) When we take the time to fellowship with God, we discover just how much He really loves us.

Time spent with the Lord is time well spent. Let's let God be first in our thoughts in the morning, and last in our thoughts at night.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, how wonderful it is to know that we are known and loved by You. We long to know You and to spend time with You. Forgive us when we get too busy. Help us to be more aware of Your presence, and enable us to re-arrange our time so that we can spend time alone with You each day. Help us to read Your Word and live lives that bring honour and glory to You. We thank You for Your creation that reminds us that You are God and that there is no-one like You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Dee Renaud <dee.renaud@outlook.com>
Sauble Beach, Ontario, Canada

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