Psalm 121:7 – The Lord will keep you from all harm — he will watch over your life. (NIV)
A few weeks ago, the Halifax Chronicle Herald carried an article about my latest writing project, collecting stories about special crossings of the Canso Causeway, to be put in a book of memories in time for the Fiftieth Anniversary celebrations next summer (August 13, 2005). One of the ladies I interviewed told me how her father worked on the project during the construction. After an accident, while blasting Porcupine Mountain for rock and fill, he'd been given a less physically demanding position as a spotter.
Apparently it was the spotter's job to stand out at the end of this incomplete, man-made causeway, and there, amidst the cold winds screaming down the Strait of Canso and salt spray stinging the worker's eyes, to sound the fog horn for ships sailing through the narrow passage and to indicate to the drivers of the 35-ton Euclid trucks the end of the roadway where they could safely dump their loads of fill without going into the water.
In my mind, I likened the building of the causeway to the spiritual link we are making from earth to heaven. Sometimes the way is dark and dangerous. At times we are buffeted about and salty tears sting our eyes. But we are not alone. In today's Scripture, we learn that our loving heavenly Father has promised to be there for us during the long dark night, to be our spotter, to warn us of danger and to keep us safe.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for standing in the tough places and for warning of imminent danger. Thank You for standing guard through the night and keeping us from harm. Amen.
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