I belong to a church that would rather give to missions than repair our church buildings. In this they are not unique. Recently, though, our buildings have begun to show the need for some attention. So, over the last year, our church's Board of Managers has been quite busy sprucing up the place. All sorts of things have been accomplished. Our church has been given a good spring cleaning. With all this activity going on, people are looking forward to some time off. They are eager to get to their cottages, or to go camping, or just to "veg out" at home in their gardens. They are looking forward to a much-needed rest.
But just going away for some physical relaxation doesn't rest the soul of a person. In order for that to happen, they need, as Isaiah notes, the rest that comes from the Spirit of the Lord.
Isaiah 63:14 – The Spirit of the Lord gave them rest. (NRSV)
True rest is a God-given gift of grace. True rest comes from the Lord and refreshes body, mind, and soul. This quietness comes as a gift from God — a free gift, which refreshes like cooling spring water on a hot, humid day. It is found in spiritual retreat, centred upon Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, and is pure grace. This rest is the best rest, and it comes to us as a free gift. All we need to do is ask for it.
Prayer: Lord God, we come asking for that gift of rest which finds its source in You. Enable us to return to our appointed tasks refreshed and renewed, for Christ's name's sake. Amen.
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