The Master Designer

Monday, July 12, 2004

Isaiah 62:2 – The nations will see your righteousness. Kings will be blinded by your glory. And the Lord will give you a new name. (NLT)

One night, I took my coffee into the family room and decided to watch a popular television show. On that particular show, a number of guests were being "made over" by several experts. At the start of the program, the guest would make an appearance wearing unbecoming articles of clothing or an unattractive hairstyle. Often the guest had found a comfortable style, years ago, and never bothered to have an update.

Eventually, each guest made a return appearance to display their "new look" to the audience. In most cases, the transformation, which included a new hairdo, wardrobe, and carefully-applied make-up, resulted in a stunning new look for the participant. Their confident smiles and erect posture as they strolled down the runway reflected a dramatic change of their outward appearance.

Perhaps as a result of careless preparation for our day, such as neglecting our prayer and devotional times, we are wearing a frumpy look as Christians. If we have not taken the time to allow the Master Designer to apply new truths to our lives, making them vibrant and attractive, we may need to submit to a spiritual makeover. However, there is an important difference between God's makeover and the kind done on a television show. God's makeover is complete, for when He applies His design to our life, He changes the attitudes of our heart. After we receive His touch and step out on the runway of life, it will be evident from the way we conduct our lives that we have experienced a makeover by the Master Designer, God Almighty.

Prayer: Dear God, may others see that our spirits have been made vibrant and attractive by Your touch. Amen.

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About the author:

Elaine Ingalls Hogg <>
Smiths Creek, New Brunswick, Canada

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