Job 23:10 – He knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. (KJV)
I stood looking at the small, austere grave of Frances Ridley Havergal in the graveyard of the church of St. Peter, Astley, Worcestershire, England. I remembered that she not only wrote hymns and composed music, but also set herself the task of answering the many hundreds of personal letters that she received. One writer indicated that she felt that she herself was indeed "pure gold" because of her victorious triumph over many trials. Frances answered her letter with the question, "How do you plan to spend this 'gold'?"
This question has greatly challenged me. How do Christians, like you and I, spend this heavenly currency? We have earned this "pure gold" through personal trials and difficulties, but we have not survived just to show the world our burn scars, but rather we have emerged unmarred, shining as pure gold. We may have earned our currency through being bereaved, losing a spouse who chooses to live a different lifestyle, or facing anxious times as parents while a child undergoes treatment for cancer. Let us, as Christians, come alongside and spend some of our heavenly wealth with the person who is experiencing some of the difficulties that we have experienced. We may only be able to say, "I prayed for you today because I understand." Yes, and we may feel a little of the heat of the fire as we bring back afresh the memory of that hard-earned currency. Regardless, let us not hoard this heavenly currency, but be willing to spend it in whatever form the Holy Spirit leads us.
Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, as we remember the times of earning our heavenly currency, may we also remember that special daily refreshing strength given to us by the gracious Holy Spirit. In Your Son's name, we pray. Amen.
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