The Puzzles Of Our Lives

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Colossians 2:9-10 – In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority. (NIV)

My granddaughter and I love to put jigsaw puzzles together. We begin by placing all the pieces on the dining room table and spreading them so that every piece is in plain view. We have learned through experience to do the outside borders first. These are easily recognizable because they have a straight side. After the outsides are complete, the interior is more complicated. I soon find that I'm convinced pieces are missing. If I am to continue with the puzzle, I must learn to trust the manufacturer to have put all the parts in the package.

When we face challenges in our lives, we often come to the same conclusion. It seems that our life is in disarray — pieces of it are scattered or broken. We fear that many of the valuable pieces are missing. There seems no way that all the scattered parts can be put together into a whole picture.

When we turn to God and ask for His help, we find all the loose and missing parts coming together — the spiritual, physical, and emotional. As we study God's Word, He assures us that all the missing parts are there. We need patience and faith to continue searching His Word until we find all the missing parts.

Just as it is necessary to trust the puzzle maker to put all the parts in the box, so we must trust the writers of the Word to have recorded what we need. The Word assures us we were created in the image of God to be completed in Christ. Like putting the pieces of the puzzle together, we can find the answers to all our problems in God's Word. We just need the patience and endurance to piece the scattered parts of our lives together into the completeness we were created to be.

Prayer: Lord, help us to put together all the missing parts of the puzzles of our lives and to find wholeness in You. We know that we were created in Your image. May we join together the various parts of our lives until we find this image. Amen.

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About the author:

Ivie Bozeman
Thomasville, Georgia, USA

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