Luke 7:38 – Then she came and stood behind Jesus. She cried and started washing his feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. The woman kissed his feet and poured the perfume on them. (CEV)
The sinful woman washed Jesus' feet to show her love and hospitality to Him. She was also seeking forgiveness for her sinful past.
Would you wash your father's feet? I did, when I was about ten years old. My father worked in a factory all day long. He was on his feet for many hours. Sometimes at the end of a hard day he would offer twenty-five cents for someone to wash his feet. I quickly got out the basin, soap, water, and towel and did this for my Dad. On reflection, I would like to say I did it out of love, but to be honest, twenty-five cents was the motivating factor. I didn't see his need!
Jesus looked past the woman's sin and saw her need, more so than did Simon, who took offence to this deed. Jesus accepted her act of kindness in the spirit in which it was given. She was forgiven.
Jesus expanded upon this service to others by washing His disciples' feet. He knew His disciples would need comforting in the days ahead.
John 13:5 – He put some water into a large bowl. Then he began washing his disciples' feet and drying them with the towel he was wearing. (CEV)
Our Lord was setting an example to show us that we should show kindness to all, whether they be king or servant, even if it means humbling ourselves.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for all Your loving kindness. We pray that we can follow Your example of humility in caring for others. May we do this without any thought of recompense. Help us to realize that by following Your example we are washing Your feet. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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