Exodus 4:13 – But Moses said, "O Lord, please send someone else to do it." (NIV)
Many years ago, I preached a sermon in Maybole, Scotland, on God's call. A visitor from Northern Ireland was in the congregation. His name was Tom, and he was a successful director of a civil engineering firm. The sermon had a profound effect on him. Within months, Tom gave up his business, and went to work as a missionary-engineer in Africa. He helped to organize, supply, and build special refugee camps for over 250,000 Hutu Africans. His expertise saved all those lives. His positive response to God's call enabled Tom to do something powerful, purposeful, and meaningful.
When we think about the great Israelite leader, Moses, we tend to forget about his hesitation when God initially called him. The fourth chapter of Exodus describes the process of a divine call being given to a reluctant candidate. Moses' answer to God's invitation is, sadly, quite commonplace among our people today: "Send someone else to do it."
Wherever we are or whatever we do today, may it be response to a call from God. May we recognize that our lives have meaning and purpose when we accept the invitation to do God's bidding.
Prayer: Almighty God, may all that we accomplish today reflect Your mission on earth. Enable us to seek Your calling for our lives, at our work, home, and church. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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