Simple Faith

Friday, June 11, 2004

Matthew 8:13 – Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go! It will be done just as you believed it would." And his servant was healed at that very hour. (NIV)

When I was a teenager, I worked in a clothing store where young people came to buy the latest fashions. I sold flared jeans, bomber jackets, heavy knit sweaters, and afghan coats. Our store manager, Joe, was constantly buying new creations. But one year, it caught up with him. He purchased a thousand knitted sweaters with a monkey's face on the front. They represented the television series "Planet of the Apes". The series quickly bombed, and we were left with the whole shipment. So much for being fashionable!

Before "The Passion of The Christ" movie, there was "The Prayer of Jabez". Before Jabez, it was "Experiencing God". Before "Experiencing God", it was "What Would Jesus Do?" Every year, there's a new book, a new study, and a new method of drawing closer to God. It's what I call "Beanie Baby Bible-ism." Instead of faith, we yearn for fads. Instead of teaching, we're into trends. Instead of becoming accustomed to God's customs, we're consumed by Christian consumerism.

I love the story of Jesus and the centurion. Here was a soldier whose servant was sick. He didn't need charms or charts, bracelets or books. All he needed was Jesus to say a word of healing. He had a plain faith that pleased God. He had a simple understanding of authority. There was no need for ten steps, five ways, or three modes. When Jesus spoke, it was done.

Oh, to find faith like that today!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, guide us today. In the midst of all the complications, routines, and pressures that we place upon ourselves, help us to hear Your voice clearly so that we may serve You simply, plainly, and faithfully. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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